Sunday, November 6, 2011

What should I do if I hate my hair?

 I get a phone call once in a while from my friends who are having a "hair crisis" The crisis is that they are home from the salon, and hate their hair, and don't know what to do.
    I tell them to call the salon. Then comes "Well what should I say!?"  The truth. You can leave out any bits of dramatic crying; top model style. Jut tell them you appreciate the time that they spent on your hair , but you're really not happy. If your hairdresser is any good they will get you in as soon as  their schedule allows. I have seen hairdressers stay late, or come in earlier then the sun to accomidate an unhappy client. If your hairdresser doesn't, give me a call and I can lead you in the right direction.
   What about if  you saw someone new, and you definitely dont want to see them again. It was a bad match from the start.  That is  OK ! At the end of the day its your hair, and the only person who needs to be happy with it is you. Most salons can have you see someone else. Is it a touch awkward? sure, but like I said  Its your hair.
   To avoid future debacles Spend at least ten minutes talking about what you are looking to have done. Ask your stylist about maintenance and fading. Make it clear what you are looking for, bring pictures, and listen to what they have to say. Its not magic. Its science. They cant take your black hair and have you leave blonde without risk of you losing all your hair. Hair color is often a process. Rome wasn't built in a day my loves.
   If your salon has a receptionist ask her opinion, if shes any good ( probably not as good as me, but what can you do:) ) She will listen to what you're saying, all while trying to match your personality to the right stylist.
   I get it you feel bad and super awkward telling someone you really don't like what they just did to your hair, but most people like the opportunity to correct a mishap. If this happens to you and you still feel like you need a pep talk just call Gloss and Glamour, and I will help you through <3

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