Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You know what happens when it gets cold?

 Tis the season for chapped lips. Lets talk about how to prevent them ,so you're not picking skin off your lips gold member  style.(Austin Powers 3 reference if you missed it)
 Before you start to get chapped lips you should be using some chap stick. One that contains bees wax, or petroleum is going to work best. Laura loves to use Dermalogicas climate control. I myself like to lather on the vitamin E. Just a plain old vitamin E stick.
 Don't lick your lips! I'm pretty sure I just licked my lips three times before typing that.. oops. Really though licking your lips makes them more prone to chap.  Try to avoid it if you can.
 Try breathing through your nose. Breathing through your  mouth can cause chap lips.
 If you are like me, and leave prevention at the way side . When your lips get really chapped use a gentle exfoliater on them to get rid of all that dead skin. Then apply your favorite chap stick.
 Keep in mind that your lips are skin too, and the need to stay hydrated or they will get dry.

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