Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I ate too much.......

 Thanksgiving is almost here!!! Whether you are braving jeans this year ,or sticking with an elastic waist band here are some tips for the morning after when you are looking like you ate too much, and slept too little.

Exfoliate: Get all the dead yuckies off .

Tinted Moisturizer: Not only is it moisturizer, but it gives you the glow you are missing.

Eye Lash Curler: This will help your eyes appear larger, which will make you look less sleepy. No one would ever guess you were waiting in line at Target at 11pm.

 Blush: No, it is not just something your mom wore in the 90s. Peach tones actually brighten your skin, and take the focus off your puffy eyes.

 From Your Grandmothers box of remedies.... YAMS.  When you lay down to digest put a slice of yam on  each eye. Best Puffy eye treatment around. Regular potatoes will work if that's all you have, but yams are packed with an arsenal of nutritional fortitude.

 Happy ThanksGiving, and have a safe Happy "Pink Friday"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What should I do if I hate my hair?

 I get a phone call once in a while from my friends who are having a "hair crisis" The crisis is that they are home from the salon, and hate their hair, and don't know what to do.
    I tell them to call the salon. Then comes "Well what should I say!?"  The truth. You can leave out any bits of dramatic crying; top model style. Jut tell them you appreciate the time that they spent on your hair , but you're really not happy. If your hairdresser is any good they will get you in as soon as  their schedule allows. I have seen hairdressers stay late, or come in earlier then the sun to accomidate an unhappy client. If your hairdresser doesn't, give me a call and I can lead you in the right direction.
   What about if  you saw someone new, and you definitely dont want to see them again. It was a bad match from the start.  That is  OK ! At the end of the day its your hair, and the only person who needs to be happy with it is you. Most salons can have you see someone else. Is it a touch awkward? sure, but like I said  Its your hair.
   To avoid future debacles Spend at least ten minutes talking about what you are looking to have done. Ask your stylist about maintenance and fading. Make it clear what you are looking for, bring pictures, and listen to what they have to say. Its not magic. Its science. They cant take your black hair and have you leave blonde without risk of you losing all your hair. Hair color is often a process. Rome wasn't built in a day my loves.
   If your salon has a receptionist ask her opinion, if shes any good ( probably not as good as me, but what can you do:) ) She will listen to what you're saying, all while trying to match your personality to the right stylist.
   I get it you feel bad and super awkward telling someone you really don't like what they just did to your hair, but most people like the opportunity to correct a mishap. If this happens to you and you still feel like you need a pep talk just call Gloss and Glamour, and I will help you through <3

Friday, October 28, 2011

Its all fun and games unitill you get wrinkles.

 In normal Rhode Island fashion we are flying through fall , and approaching the frigid winter air before anyone wants to admit it. Kristen woke up to a car encrusted with frost. break out the ice scrappers my friends winter is a coming.
 We talked about how to save your  lips from the cold in our last post. Keeping on the skin trend lets talk about the rest of your face.  What should you be using to safe guard your face from the elelments?
 At the very least you should always have a cleanser, exfoliater,  and moisturizer.  Be aware that all skin care is not created equally. This is one of those times where you really get what you pay for. There are so many options on the shelves, and internet that I recommend coming in to our fantastic salon, or another less amazing establishment , and getting a free skin assessment. Skin care is confusing. A skin care therapist can lead you in the right direction, as far as what you should be spending your money on.Especially when it comes to moisturizer. I cannot tell you how much money I have wasted on moisturizer that does not do a thing for me. I will only buy a moisturizer , if its recommended to me by my skin care therapist.
  The winter months are always about exfoliation. Dermalogica makes a daily microfoliant. It is gentle enough to use everyday. Getting the layers of dead skin off your face is the first thing to do if you're looking for a healthy glow. Then you apply your prescribed moisturizer. If you feel like your skin is extremely dry try adding a booster to your regimen. we love skin hydrating booster from dermalogica.
  If you are looking for a good bang for your buck check out the Dermalogica skin rescue kit. Its a great way to try out the line without investing a lot of cash.  It also has everything you need to stave off dry, cracked on its way to wrinkle skin. Take care of your face. Its the only one you have. <3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You know what happens when it gets cold?

 Tis the season for chapped lips. Lets talk about how to prevent them ,so you're not picking skin off your lips gold member  style.(Austin Powers 3 reference if you missed it)
 Before you start to get chapped lips you should be using some chap stick. One that contains bees wax, or petroleum is going to work best. Laura loves to use Dermalogicas climate control. I myself like to lather on the vitamin E. Just a plain old vitamin E stick.
 Don't lick your lips! I'm pretty sure I just licked my lips three times before typing that.. oops. Really though licking your lips makes them more prone to chap.  Try to avoid it if you can.
 Try breathing through your nose. Breathing through your  mouth can cause chap lips.
 If you are like me, and leave prevention at the way side . When your lips get really chapped use a gentle exfoliater on them to get rid of all that dead skin. Then apply your favorite chap stick.
 Keep in mind that your lips are skin too, and the need to stay hydrated or they will get dry.

Friday, October 21, 2011

bump up your pony tail.

 No, I don't mean you should snookify your hair before putting it up in a ponytail. You can create some volume, without looking like an  overly bronzed cast member of the jersey shore.
 Heres how to get an appropriate ponytail with volume.
   Slightly tease hair at the top of your head.
Put your  tresses up into the ponytail.
You should put it in  the middle of your head.
 If you want to get  extra crafty.take a curling iron to your entire head to create waves before teasing.
 This take on a pony tail works for fine or thick hair.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Unconventional Scarf Use.

You know Fall is in full swimg when you can whip out the scarves. I love my scarf. I love to wrap it around my neck and nuzzle my chin into it.
   This morning while going thru my closet and becoming more and more discouraged with my chioices I decided to use my scarf for something other than my neck.
  I  grabbed an old long skirt and turned into a tube top dress. My thought was to wrap the belt around my waist like a belt. Cute, but not impressive. I then wrapped the scarf around my upper body like a tube top.  The only problem with this was, I looked like the hunch back of notre dame with my cardigan on.
  Then it came to me. Lets make it into a halter top. So I started by putting the scarf around my back, bringing it over my chest and wraopping it around  my neck. So today I have what looks like a pretty new dress that's really a scarf, and a skirt!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Reverse French Manicure

 Making its way down the hottest runways this fall is the reverse french manicure.

 How do you get one? well you could come on down to Gloss and Glamour, but if your trying to do it at home heres how.

 Apply base coat
 Pick a light color. paint your enitre nail.
 Pick a Dark color and paint the top
 Apply Top Coat

 Yes, that does sound easy enough, but if you don't come into the salon you cant get the manicure and hand massage that comes with the reverse french polish.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stomp Out a Fashion Show


 There is still time to buy tickets for Stomp Out a fashion show! Come and see some amazing local designers, while raising money for the Rhode Island Woman's Center.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall 2012 Trends

    Well my darlings lets get our fashion on for the fall.   Whether  you like to stay on the curve of whats hot, or you like to use the information to go against the grain. You still  need to know what the trends are for the upcoming season. 

 Color : According to behind the chair Its going to be a Honey kind of Fall. Even Blondes are adding  some warmth this season.

 Style:  Hair styles are being kept casual this fall. Maybe a very loose side braid. making hair a little unkept, but still looking as if you styled it is key. Sorry rolling out of bed, and heading to work  to find your pixie cut standing in nine different directions does not constitute as casual.

  The word elegant is being thrown around a lot. From pony tails to simple pin styles.

 Feathers are still around, but it is looking like we are moving into  more of an accessory, rather than an extension.

Head wraps are the newest accesory that you should be adding to your arsenal.

 Curly haired girls you will be happy to know that your go to hair style the messy bun is definitely in.

 Shatter is OUT! I have to tell you I am a wee bit excited that shatter is heading out the window. Lets not hold on to this one ladies. just let it go.

 Earth and Water colors are In.  As are the unconventional french ( two toned mani that is not the basic pink and white), and abstract nail art.

  *Keep a look out for the Muppet collection by OPI due to come out this November. No it is not very earthy, but it is awesome.

 Acrylic and other nail enhancements are still out. Natural nails look like they are here to stay.

  metallic, old Hollywood glam, and lush lashes.
 Invest in some great mascara, red lip stick and mix up your bronze, silver and gold shadows with your champagne, copper and gunmetal liners, and you are headed in the right direction.

 stop over plucking and then drawing on your eye brows.... please.  Brows are full this season. the way they should be every season.  For the most part I will tell you fashion is a personal statement. You do not have to follow the trends, but not when it comes to brows. Allow me to replace your personal judgment for my own on this matter. Drawn on eyebrows are RIDICULOUS STOP IT! Have a little more respect for the frames of your face.

Help Put an End to Domestic Violence On October 16.

  We are sharinga story of a family who died due to domestic violence. Please join us in supporting a very special cause On October 16 to support the Woman's Center of RI. Lets do our part to prevent  stories like this one from becoming reality. For more information about the Stomp out Domestic Violence Fashion Show please visit. http://stompoutdomesticviolence.org/events.html

 "I have a story to share — a story about my 26-year old daughter, Gina Marie, my 3-year old grandson, Shaun Edward, and my 7-month old grandson, Joshua Lee. They were murdered in an arson fire in Jeannette, PA on June 9, 1993. My son-in-law has been found guilty of this dreadful act of violence and is serving three consecutive life sentences.

All this — four lives totally destroyed — because of domestic violence.

In 1993, 135 people died as a result of domestic violence in Pennsylvania — Gina, Shaun, Joshua —they were three of those murders. The same year in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (where the crime took place) 7 people died as a result of homicide — Gina, Shaun, Joshua — they were three of those homicides. In fact, when the local paper did their year end highlights it reported the following:

The coroner's office investigated 7 deaths it classified as homicides. Of those victims, 4 were male and 3 were female. Two of the male victims were boys classified as 10 years old or younger.

Shaun, Joshua — they were those two boys.

Who is the victim of this hideous crime? To answer that question you have to look at the complete picture.

They call me a surviving-victim of a homicide (I've always thought that to be a contradiction of words — How does one survive a homicide?).

My daughter and grandsons are like a pebble thrown in a pond — the ripples that produce the circle from the pebble just keep going. I — as a mother and grandmother — and my husband — as a father and grandfather — have lost our first-born and only daughter and our two beautiful grandsons. Our son has equally lost — he no longer has a sister — he now is an only child.

Gina's grandparents and the boy's great-grandparents — their aunts and uncles — even their extended family of cousins have lost. These deaths will always be a scar on their hearts.

The circle from this pebble continues — our friends and acquaintances have all been touched by this tragedy.

As we watch the circle spread we see Gina, Shaun, and Joshua's friends and neighbors. The trauma will always haunt them because they witnessed these three young people perish the night of the inferno.

As the circle progresses is has also touched the family, extended family, and friends of our son-in-law. This too has had an impact on their lives.

And the circle goes on, and on, and on — even to our country losing the future contributions from these three human beings.

But as we extend our gaze to this far-reaching ripple — let's not forget the pebble that began this circle — what started this unbelievable nightmare: the murder of my kids — they are the true victims. They are the ones who are no longer with us. They are the ones that endured the horror the night of the fire.

How did all this begin?

It started with my daughter looking for the American dream — looking for the house, with the white picket fence, two cars in the garage, kids, a dog in the yard and a wonderful husband. After she graduated from high school she began the search. She first found the husband and had a child — Shaun Edward was born December 1, 1989 in Maryland. This marriage ended in divorce.

The story continues — she gets involved with another guy — he decides that the "grass is greener" in Pennsylvania — the dream package is waiting for them there. That was in February 1991.

It wasn't long before I got a phone call that this "friend" had beaten up Gina during a birthday party that she had given him. He had hit her, bit her on the arm and punched her several times in the stomach. The stomach punches had the most relevance to me — she was pregnant with child # 2. The police were called, Gina went to the hospital, and her friend went to jail.

Now comes the next day — Gina decides he didn't mean it — he had been drinking — so all is forgiven — she doesn't press charges — she doesn't file a protection from abuse form (PFA). Isn't it amazing how the bright sun light makes everything look tolerable — he was in control.

All was quiet for awhile — the pregnancy held — but the American dream was dwindling. Gina's friend — as well as Gina — were having trouble holding jobs. Money became an issue. It was their decision to give this baby up for adoption. Gina searched and found a couple in California that wanted to adopt this baby. She left Pennsylvania for a few months to give birth to baby # 2. During her time in California she had decided not to go back to Pennsylvania — she was going to come home. Wait a minute — the guilt started with her — maybe if I try harder; maybe if I did just what he wanted; maybe if Shaun was a better child; maybe if I got a better job; maybe if I kept the house better; maybe....maybe....maybe. Gina and her friend weren't married yet so legally there was nothing stopping her — just her desire to try one more time — to do better.

There was little talk during this time as to what her friend might do better — through Gina's eyes all the maybes were with her.

So back to Pennsylvania she and Shaun go — searching for that American dream. Her friend won — he was back in control.

Things continued to get worse; credit problems; being fired from jobs; Shaun being sick; and the violence continued.

It wasn't long before they announced that another baby was expected.

During the next few months there seemed to be more verbal abuse — coming from both of their mouths. One of my "pat" responses to Gina — when she would call about these verbal battles — was "walk away — he can't fight by himself" — of course that didn't happen — the warfare continued. The house became a battle field.

Even during all this fighting they decided to get married. The marriage was disclosed to us after the fact. When she told me she said — "I didn't think you would approve." She was right. I guess now he was officially our son-in-law.

November 10, 1992 sweet Joshua Lee was born.

Then came another life threatening battle. In January 1993 — around two in the morning we got a phone call from a police officer that told us that our son-in-law had tried to kill our daughter — he threw her up against the wall, tied a telephone cord around her neck, hit her several times, bit her numerous times, and threatened to shoot her. It was Shaun that was her savior — he ran out of the house in his bare feet and PJs and went to a neighbor yelling for help — he was three years old. Our son-in-law was arrested and preparations began for Gina to file a PFA.

The phone wires were hot with her calling us and us calling her to see what the next step would be. Our son-in-law got out of jail and spent some time with his family — but in the end — Gina let him come back — never appearing for the PFA hearing. Again all the maybes kept echoing in her head — along with how will I take care of two kids by myself. Again he won — again he was in control.

More months, more fighting, more tears.

In May 1993 our phone rang. It was Gina — she told her father that she wanted to come home — she's had it — it was not going to ever work — he was never going to change. It seemed they had another fight and our son-in-law threatened to take the two kids from her. These were words Gina understood — it seems you could abuse her but don't mess with her kids. This battle ended again in bloodshed — however, it wasn't Gina's — it was our son-in-law's . Gina busted his nose.

Her father told her to get in her car and head home.

Gina packed the car, was preparing to leave when our son-in-law returned to the scene and continued the threat about the kids — he would have her picked up on the turnpike, he would take the kids and she would never see them again. Bottom line — she stayed.

One month later, Wednesday June 9, 1993, our son-in-law poured gasoline in the living room, up the stairs, and right into Gina's bedroom, lit a match, and walked away — walked away with not a burn on his body; walked away with no carbon monoxide in his lungs; walked away while my daughter and two grandsons died in the inferno.

The cycle of domestic violence was now complete — he now had the ultimate form of control — Gina, Shaun, Joshua — they were now the silent witnesses to murder.

It was seconds of terror that forever changed the world — That's when their lives ended — and when the nightmare for our family began.

Gina had gotten the little house, the two cars, the kids, and even the dog. The only thing is — she married a man that needed total power and control over her — he made his choice and he never thought of the consequences.

It was seven months and three days before our son-in-law was arrested — it would be another year and a half before he would go to trial — it was another 42 days of listening to Gina, Shaun, and Joshua dying all over again and watching our son-in-law still be in control. I can remember so clearly being called into the court room and the jury coming in with the verdict. I have never been able to put words to those emotions — all I know was my mind was going a thousand miles a second — I think I relived every second of Gina, Shaun, and Joshua's lives in those few minutes — time stood still — and then it came — guilty! Guilty on all counts. The sentencing — three consecutive life sentences without the chance of parole.

My son-in-law is no longer in control of my daughter. As he sits in his brown cell dressed in his brown clothes the only one he can control now is himself. He isn't controlling our lives any more. The world's violence has leaked into our home which is to be a safe place. Through all this we are forever changed but we are continuing. We know our son-in-law is no longer in control of my daughter and grandsons — they are now sleeping with the angels.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you — a story about a mother and her two boys — a story that changed our family in the second it took to strike a match.

Every story has a moral — this one being no different. The lesson we can all take away from hearing about Gina, Shaun and Joshua is — we are all victims of homicide and domestic violence.

I present to you however, victims can make a difference:

The mother of Jamie Paxton of Ohio held a letter writing campaign in the media asking for information about her son's killer. The result was the arrest of a serial killer who had killed three others in addition to Jamie.

Here in Maryland the mother of Stephanie Roper, who was brutally murdered while home from college, worked 15 years to have Maryland law re-written giving victims and surviving victims a string of rights in the court room.

In 1980 the mother of Cari Lightner started a campaign against drunk driving in California. In addition to the establishment of MADD (Mothers against drunk drivers), the results can be seen everyday in practically every high school in the United States when students gather for their SADD (students against drunk drivers) meetings.

In Florida the murder of Adam Walch has propelled his father into a national television show, America's Most Wanted, that has resulted in the arrest of hundreds of wanted felons.

In the highly publicized murder of Nicole Brown-Simpson her family has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help with the fight against spouse abuse.

I, upon learning that our family would not be able to give verbal impact statements before the jury, began a letter campaign to Governor Ridge. Those letters brought the issue of victim's rights before his eyes once again. The result was a Pennsylvania law passed that victim's and surviving victim's would have the right to give impact statements during the penalty phase of a trial — this making their loved ones real and alive to the jury.

All these examples are legacies to the ones that are the true victims. Their deaths have had a profound impact on others — and their memories will live on via the actions of their families, friends, and by you that have heard this story.

As your mind replays this American tragedy — I request — never forget who the true victims are — it's not the justice system, the press, the laws, the perpetrator, or even the family and friends — it's the people that aren't here to speak for themselves — it's all the Ginas, Shauns, and Joshuas — they are the true victims"

Monday, October 3, 2011

What do you do when you lose the back of your earring?

  Chelsea was just reading over my shoulder and noticed my  fantastic Im your present earring, (which are the ones in the picture above )on my sticky note pad. She asked what happened. With a sigh of regret  I told her  I lost the  back.  She then proceeded to cut the tip of an eraser and hand it to me.
   Genius. So ladies next time you lose the back of your favorite earring at work just snip the top of an eraser and you are good to go!

Cheap and Easy.

  We are talking about exfoliator.... What were you thinking?
 Here is the deal. You need to get dead skin off your body. You do not need to spend a large sum of money on a small amount of exfoliator to do this. If you have oil and sugar in your house, then you have everything you need to make a basic exfoliator.
   You want to put 1 cup of sugar in a container. Brown sugar, white sugar, sugar in the raw. You then want to choose 1/2 a cup of  oil. Some people like olive oil, some like baby oil, some like vegetable oil. Take your pick. Mix untill combined, and get to scrubbin.
   You can get as crafty as you want with this recipe. add some lemon juice , or any essential oil that makes your nose happy.

  You're Welcome :)Publish Post

Friday, September 30, 2011

Is your shower routine keeping your skin dry?

    I love Fall. I do not love dry skin. Most people start to worry about dry skin when the winter sets in.  This year I choose to be proactive about dry skin, and nip it in the bud before I become so ashy that we could play tic tac toe on my forearm.
  Well what causes dry skin?   Assuming you do not have a serious medical condition or take drugs  some other dry skin culprits are dry air,  delicious hot showers, soap, and misusing moisturizer.
  Dry air is a no brainer so lets move on to our other  villains.
  Hot showers. sigh. What  girl does not like to grab a scentastic bath bomb, crank up the bubbles, and jump into a scalding hot tub? I like the shower to be so hot that  when I get out my skin resembles a cooked lobster.  You know that tight feeling you get when you step out? That means  you just
succeeded in drying out your skin. boo!
  Whats a girl to do? Make sure the water is lukewarm, and while  you shave or lather up angle the shower head away from you so that the water is not constantly beating on your skin. As far as the bath, well we are all going to indulge once in awhile, but maybe the cold months arent the best time to be soaking your problems in the bath tub.
  SOAP! all soap is not created equal. We have somehow been brainwashed to think we need to scrub the living day lights out of our body with harsh anit bacterial soap that has to lather. Lets be logical for a minute. What do you do for a living?  Allow me enough room to assume, that if  you care about dry skin, then you probably do not engage in a profession that leaves you saoked in mud.  You do not need to scrub your skin like a dirty bath tub.  You also do not need soap to lather to get you clean. It is just a psychological mis conception.  in truth all that lather is just washing up all your natural oil. If you dont want to contribute to your dry skin problem look for a mild soap that wont take all your natural oil out.
 Lastly don't spend 40 dollars on moisturizer and not use it right. Always lather up when your skin is moist. that's when your skin eats it up.
   I cant live without Dermalogicas body hydrating cream. http://www.dermalogica.com/us/html/products/body-hydrating-cream-86.html .
 We sell the tiny guy in store. Its better to try the smaller version first to see if your going to fall in love. If you do we can special order the big guy for you!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Blow Dry or Air Dry

 September is on its way out , but the Weather is still STICKY! This humidity had me thinking about the pros and cons of air drying vs blow drying. My own hair turns into a puff like constancy when it feels the humidity. For me I always air dry when I want to show off my curls and blow dry when I am looking for a sleek yet voluminous style.
   I  have been reading a lot of other peoples thoughts on the matter this morning.  Mostly it is just a personal choice. Some people think a hair dryer is damaging and a waste of electricity. I wonder if they feel that way about television? The truth is that if you want great hair you are going to put ware and tare on it, but if you use the right products you can protect your hair and be free from frizz.
  Comment Away!

Friday, September 23, 2011

What's in our Boutique?

    Want to have a runway accesory?
Check out these bow head bands from Luniac Style. A few weeks ago they were on the runway at providence style week.


                   If you're looking for a dress that will have people talking for months to come then this is what you need. I'm Your Presents Cuts of Meat Dress.


How to Create Soft Waves

Here is how to create soft waves:

What You Will Need:
 curling iron
 hair spray
 finishing gloss

Time Commitment:  30 Minutes

Difficulty Level: Medium

1: Part hair down the middle

 2: take one and a half inch "pie piece" section
( triangle  pieces)

3. spray your section with a light to moderate hold hair spray. (we like blow out spray by blow)

4. take your curling  iron at an angle. begin wrapping the sectioned piece around the curling  iron.

5. continue wrapping and curling your entire head.

6. When you have done this all over your head . Grab your finishing gloss. anything that will help tame frizz will do. We love Blows weather girl.  after you have emulsified your product in your hands begin to brush down the curls with your fingers.

7. Be Fabulous.

 remember you can always set up a styling tutorial with us! Pick up the products featured in this post,  and other amazing products at Gloss & Glamour!